Connection could fail for several reasons:
- FullControlHelper is not running on Mac
- FullControlHelper is running but it isn't bound on a port (change port and restart)
- Mac is not in the internet or in the same LAN of the iPhone
- A firewall prevents connections (you have to set firewall properly)
- IP address is wrong (if you added it manually)
- Mac is turned off
No, it doesn't. FullControl works only with Mac Intel 64 bit with Mac OS 10.6 or higher
You can see your address IP from the main window of FullControlHelper. FullControlHelper show you local Mac addresses that are different from Mac network unique address that is

FullControl hasn't so much command just "out of box". Starting from FullControl 2.6, if you try to add a command, the app shows you some default commands of applications, if you don't find the desired, you can create a custom command by yourself! All the users create commands and share them to the others users! This is the great features of FullControl!
Open FullControlHelper window, go to "Settings" section and try to change keyboard input method. If nothing changes please contact us.

Add a link folder (Edit -> + -> Folder link) wherever you want (for example in "Mac", "Finder" etc.) with the following kind of path: "/Volumes/myexternalhd". Replace "myexternalhd" with the name of your external HD or pendrive.
FullControlHelper uses Accessibility API to get all default commands of an application. If you want to add a command for an application, FullControl will be able to show you the commands available, so you don't need to add it manually. This features is available from FullControl 2.6.
To enable Accessibility API in Mac OS X 10.9 or later open System Preferences -> Security and Privacy -> Privacy -> Accessibility and check FullControlHelper:

To enable Accessibility API in Mac OS X 10.8 or earlier open System Preferences -> Accessibility and check "Enable access for assistive devices":

With Mountain Lion, Apple introduced a security system that doesn't allow to open applications that aren't signed or don't come from Mac App Store. From 2.4.2 version, FullControlHelper is signed, so if the application doesn't start you have to change security settings of your Mac (watch the following image).

FullControl needs a program that is running on your Mac. You have to install FullControlHelper (download) on your Mac and start it.
First of all check if FullControlHelper is waiting for connections, if not, try to change the port else you have to know that sometimes the iPhone can't find automatically the Mac, so you have to add an IP address manually. To do that tap on "+" button (in FullControl) and add the IP address.
You can find IP address of Mac by FullControlHelper: open it and in its window there is the address.
When you open a file, FullControl ask you which application use to open it, if you choose "Finder" your Mac will open the file with default application.
Create a folder link is very simple: if you want a folder link in your home folder just write the folder, for example to link to my movies' folder I will write, in path field, "Movies/". Else if you want an absolute link you have to write something like "/Users/cescobaz/Movies/".
It is a little bit complicated, but yes, you could do it. You have to open the correct port (2846 by default) in the router's firewall and connect by the global internet IP (it could be the same of the router). Your global internet IP now is
Download the new version manually from here, I'm sorry for the issue.
Security is an important issue, but it is also very complicated. I will try to explain you how secure is FullControl. Note that no sofware is totally secure.
What does FullControl do?
- it protects you from "unwanted connections" by the password (more complex + longer = more secure). The connection always occurs (TCP protocol), but only with the password you can control the Mac.
- it doesn't encrypt comunication.
What does technology do?
- if you have a router with a firewall set, none can connect with none computer in the local network from outside the local network. So if you have a firewall set in your router, there is no problem.
- if your router hasn't a firewall (or there is port opened), to connect to your Mac you need the correct IP address (global internet IP) and the correct port.
In conclusion: if you use FullControl in your LAN (local area network) by router with a firewall set, none can access to your Mac by FullControl. If you are in a unknown network or your router hasn't the firewall you have to set a password in FullControlHelper, but remember that someone could read the comunication.
Quit FullControlHelper via menu at the top right of you screen, in the status bar then drag&drop from /Application folder to Trash.